Okay, so it's not THAT beautiful. It's too humid, too sunny, and there's too many mosquitoes. Still, despite all these things I'm determined to make this summer worthwhile. So here's the plan:
-Work out
-Watch movies
-Discover more music
-Read read read
-Try to cook
-Have some really crazy nights every now and then
-Go see a show
-Go out with my friends
-Practice accordion and cello
-Make finger puppets
-Make sure my sister has a lot of fun this summer as well
I'm also thinking about changing the layout of this blog. It's a little to cute and childish.

I've had this plan since summer vacation started but it still feels like I'm doing nothing. I mean, I'm already working on a few of these things already but it doesn't feel like I'm accomplishing anything. I feel like I'm standing still. What exactly is it that I'm looking for here? What do I really want from this summer?
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