I got my license. I didn't post earlier because my computer was acting buggy. This was my first ride without an adult.
I found a place that looked very Zen, so i asked my little sister to take this picture for me.
I also got to change my room up a bit. I got my brother's QUEEN-sized bed. I slept like a baby yesterday.
I put up my family's cheap Christmas lights on my closet door for the heck of it. It turned out much neater than expected.
I got my brother's old classical guitar. I'm trying to learn a song right now. If I ever get good enough I'll post it up for you.
A punching bag. It does wonders for stress but I haven't been using it lately.

Another item I recieved when my brother left for college. It's my baby. I just wished I had a prettier place to put it.
I noticed that I have an excess of knick knacks. I can't throw them away because they're all gifts.
My friend made those stars for me.
My dad got it for me. He just brought it home one day just for the heck of it.
A kid from elementary school got it for me from China. I don't look like an asian female version of Cartmen, do I?
My good friend got this in Engalnd. It unfolds to reveal more pictures.

My friend gave it to me for my 16th birthday. It's called Jeero. Isn't it adorable?
I don't even need most of this stuff anyway. I feel so materialistic when I think of all things I have that I just can't let go of. Like my books. You only read them once anyway, right? I started going to the library instead of buying books. I feel less guilty now.
It's not just me though. This sort of materialistic attitude is perpetuated through American culture. How many times have we heard that our clothes, and materials reflect who we are. I refuse to be tied down to a first impression because of my possessions. Buy this, because you need to prove you are unique. Get this, because everyone else is wearing it. Screw you. I don't need to buy your crap to be who I am. Don't tell me what to buy. I'll buy what I need to.
Buy what you want and need. Well... that's what I try to do.
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